Friday, January 6, 2012

Heading to a "Tropical Oasis"

After work today I'm meeting the Pants Monkey to go to his office Christmas party at a really fun bar here in town that is like a little tropical oasis in the middle of the north country.  They have super fun tiki drinks, decent food and the atmosphere inside makes you feel like you're on the island of Fiji or something.  In the summer they have a lovely patio that you can sit out on that is by the river, but even as warm as it's been here lately, it's not quite warm enough for that, so the indoor setup will have to do.  It should be a good time and thankfully, it's not far from home.

Today's outfit I once again have to give a little kudos to my mom for - she suggested this combo and I like the result!  I was a little nervous that the sweater wouldn't be long enough, but it works out just fine actually! And hey, any excuse to wear these gray boots that I adore I will take!

I accidentally cut off my head a bit in the one above here, whoops!  Oh well, you all know what my hair looks like, ha!

What's even better, is that while this outfit is cute, it's super comfy too!  And it will be fun to wear to the party tonight!  The Pants Monkey himself even said I looked cute and as you all know, I love it when the hubby is pleased!  Even more so today since it's his work party we're going to!  He can be like " hey co-workers, look at my hot wife".  Ha ha ha!  

Happy Friday everyone!  Have a great weekend!

Sweater - Decree, JCPenney
Thermal shirt - Mossimo, Target
Leggings - Target
Boots - Target
Necklace - Charming Charlie
Belt - Unknown